Yaml references for kubernetes objects. 如何更快,更准确的编写kubernetes yaml配置文件.
kubectl explain
刚开始接触kubernetes的时候,会很头痛yaml配置文件怎么写. 原因大概有几个方面,比如对objects不了解.或者了解但是具体的参数和配置还是需要手册来帮助,kubernetes API references提供了特别详细API手册,但是在使用过程中还是觉得不太方便. 不过大家有没有注意到kubectl提供了sub command 可以很方便的描述每个opjects的参数和配置.
首先来看看kubectl help:
$kubectl explain -h
List the fields for supported resources
This command describes the fields associated with each supported API resource. Fields are identified via a simple
JSONPath identifier:
Add the --recursive flag to display all of the fields at once without descriptions. Information about each field is
retrieved from the server in OpenAPI format.
Use "kubectl api-resources" for a complete list of supported resources.
# Get the documentation of the resource and its fields
kubectl explain pods
# Get the documentation of a specific field of a resource
kubectl explain pods.spec.containers
--api-version='': Get different explanations for particular API version
--recursive=false: Print the fields of fields (Currently only 1 level deep)
kubectl explain RESOURCE [options]
Use "kubectl options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
$kubectl explain secrets
kubectl explain secrets --recursive
Secret holds secret data of a certain type. The total bytes of the values
in the Data field must be less than MaxSecretSize bytes.
apiVersion <string>
data <map[string]string>
kind <string>
metadata <Object>
annotations <map[string]string>
clusterName <string>
creationTimestamp <string>
deletionGracePeriodSeconds <integer>
deletionTimestamp <string>
finalizers <[]string>
generateName <string>
generation <integer>
initializers <Object>
pending <[]Object>
name <string>
result <Object>
apiVersion <string>
code <integer>
details <Object>
causes <[]Object>
field <string>
message <string>
reason <string>
group <string>
kind <string>
name <string>
retryAfterSeconds <integer>
uid <string>
kind <string>
message <string>
metadata <Object>
continue <string>
resourceVersion <string>
selfLink <string>
reason <string>
status <string>
labels <map[string]string>
name <string>
namespace <string>
ownerReferences <[]Object>
apiVersion <string>
blockOwnerDeletion <boolean>
controller <boolean>
kind <string>
name <string>
uid <string>
resourceVersion <string>
selfLink <string>
uid <string>
stringData <map[string]string>
type <string>